Smoke Alarms

Make The Switch to Beachside

Landlords are required to have working smoke alarms installed and maintained to BCA and Australian standards.

Failure to protect the safety of your tenants and investment property with a working and regularly maintained smoke alarm may result in the dismissal of an insurance claim for damage, loss of life or personal injury, or even a $500 penalty for simply failing to comply. Why take the risk?

Beachside Property Management will help you protect your tenants and your investment by arranging for a qualified technician to:

  • Ensure all alarms meet Australian Standard 3786-1993
  • Ensure all alarms satisfy the requirements of the building code of Australia in regard to placement and position
  • Ensure all alarms are not past their expiry date
  • Remove and test the battery to ensure more than 80% charge and replace when required
  • Test audible output of the alarm to ensure no less than 75 (DBA)
  • Thoroughly clean the alarms and spray them with compressed air
  • Relocate alarms from the ceiling to correct positions when required to save the you the cost of a new alarm
  • Replace any faulty or expired alarms to ensure your property is compliant
  • Provide a detailed compliance certificate detailing all smoke alarms at the property, their expiry date, type of alarm, and position…that’s the Beachside difference

For further information on the new Smoke Alarm legislation for Queensland, please go to Queensland Government Safety

Beachside Official Office Hours

Monday to Friday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Weekends and Public Holidays by appointment

Remember we are mobile property service, so if you need to contact us outside of our official business hours, please do so via email on or please call us on 0438 409 842, and we will get back to you in a timely manner.

Beachside Property Rentals

PO Box 15, Noosa Heads, Qeensland, 4567